
Young Priest's Pure Love of God -- Better than a Multitude of Good Works

JESUS CHRIST, a sacred vessel of incomparable beauty and faithfulness, was faithful in all things so that many would find salvation in his name. In him the Father revealed grace upon grace, by raising him from the dead on the third day and receiving him at his right hand in glory.

MORE CHERISHED than a multitude of good works is one young priest's pure love of God. More effective still is the divine grace by which God strengthens his priesthood. A priest's love and good works are perfected by Christ in whom liberality is open-handed and infinite. 

HENCE, THE Catholic priest's ministry of selfless charity and mercy is established as a sublime oblation of cosmic proportions. Recall how the apostles helped Jesus to feed the hungry multitudes who gathered to hear him teach on the Galilean hillsides. There is much for the priest of God to contemplate in humility.