"Liberty Bell of our faith" >>>
Like his love, God’s mercy free for the asking. Yet it's so precious that the sum of the world’s wealth cannot purchase it. To be forgiven is to be restored in a spirit of gentleness. [Gal 6:1] Restored to whom? To your God and your neighbor. For what purpose? For life-giving friendship. When your sins are forgiven, you can walk freely and confidently. When you are forgiven, death has no more power over your destiny.
Jesus firmly declares that if you want to know greatness, you must love God ardently and your neighbor as yourself. The first of your "neighbors" is your parish Church and your very own family. But, in truth, your "neighbor" includes everyone you meet. God places “neighbors” in your path for divine reasons. God gives you neighbors to test you. He wants to know if you actually are living a holy way of life.
And if you genuinely love God, you will love your neighbor. To truly understand and experience God’s transforming love, you humbly serve the persons that God has chosen to give to you, especially the poor. If you serve God and neighbor with great love, you will live and prosper. Should you serve merely yourself and treat others as utilities, you will surely rot and perish from the inside out.
The Great Commandment is the "Liberty Bell" of our faith, bestowing upon us a genuine freedom which no individual, group or government can take away. The sound of the bell is urgent calling us now even as we worship together. It rings across our land commanding the followers of Jesus Christ to make a profound commitment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” [Mt 22:37-39]