
Vocations: "Good Measure, Pressed Down, Shaken Together"

Years ago our parish provided one priestly vocation to a religious order. For some time now, I've been praying for five more priestly vocations to serve the Catholic faithful in our archdiocese. Additionally, I'm praying for two vocations to religious life. It's not that I'm telling God what to do. But the number seven is a conspicuous biblical sign of fullness and blessing. Therefore I'm praying for seven in the sense of seeking a great harvest of workers from one little parish.

May our work with the poor, especially single mothers with children, merit the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for many new workers in God's vineyard. Thus everyone will glorify God alone who provides seminarians and religious postulants with ". . . good measure, pressed down, shaken together, (and) running over" for the seminary in our archdiocese.

Moreover, I am praying for these vocations to emerge and take root during my lifetime. Therefore, my dear parishioners, if you want me to live a very long time possibly with great sadness, don't pray for these vocations. However, if you want the local Church to enjoy a long life and be well served in future generations, beseech God now for these seven new vocations! And do not stop! As for future regret, I will have none. God will grant me the joy of hope realized!