Pope St. Leo the Great who reigned for 21 years in the mid-5th century wrote: “The Lord’s passion is prolonged until the end of the world.”
As long as there exists in this world a single tear on the cheek of one of his “little ones”, our risen Lord Jesus Christ continues to bear our human grief, and by so doing, sorrows with us. As long as there exists in this world the impoverishment of one of his “little ones”, our risen Lord Jesus Christ continues to pray for “our daily bread”, and by so doing, hungers with us. As long as there exists in this world the injury of one of his “little ones”, our risen Lord Jesus Christ continues to heal us with the medicine of mercy, and by so doing, suffers with us.
Is any human being so well off, so insulated from ordinary experience, so estranged from his own heart that he truthfully can say I’ve never cried, I’ve never been hurt, I've never been so alone? In the name of heaven, then, why do so many Christians attempt to carry their sorrows, impoverishment and injuries alone and apart from the Body of Christ?
When the Church prays the Stations of the Cross, all members of the Body of Christ pray these words for Christ:
Entrust yourself to the Good Physician whose clinic is the Church, whose office is the Cross, whose license is the Gospel, and whose medicine of mercy is his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The Lord himself has given you life by the blood and water which flowed from his side as he hung upon the cross: “Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God.” [1Jn 4:7]
As long as there exists in this world a single tear on the cheek of one of his “little ones”, our risen Lord Jesus Christ continues to bear our human grief, and by so doing, sorrows with us. As long as there exists in this world the impoverishment of one of his “little ones”, our risen Lord Jesus Christ continues to pray for “our daily bread”, and by so doing, hungers with us. As long as there exists in this world the injury of one of his “little ones”, our risen Lord Jesus Christ continues to heal us with the medicine of mercy, and by so doing, suffers with us.
When the Church prays the Stations of the Cross, all members of the Body of Christ pray these words for Christ:
COME ALL you who pass by the way, look and see whether there is any suffering like my suffering. At this I weep, my eyes run with tears: far from me are all who could console me, far away are any who might revive me. [Lam 1:12,16]Our Lord Jesus Christ suffers for you, and he suffers your holding back from him. Perhaps there is still time for you to pause, reflect and surrender your whole heart to our crucified Lord. If you sincerely desire to console Jesus, to revive him in the midst of his suffering for you, then bring him your tears, your hunger and your distress. And let him heal you! “The Spirit is the witness, because the Spirit is the truth!” [1Jn 5:7]
Entrust yourself to the Good Physician whose clinic is the Church, whose office is the Cross, whose license is the Gospel, and whose medicine of mercy is his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The Lord himself has given you life by the blood and water which flowed from his side as he hung upon the cross: “Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God.” [1Jn 4:7]